
Conservation & Education

Water is a precious and scarce commodity, and South Metro Water Supply Authority and its members are leaders in developing innovative and effective approaches to conserve and use water efficiently.

The South Metro Region is a leader in water conservation

We have reduced per capita water demand by over 30% in recent years. Because our members are committed to conservation and water efficiency, water users have reduced water use to less than 120 gallons per capita per day (gpcd), already surpassing the goal for 2050 set for our region in the Colorado Water Plan of 129 gpcd.

Graphic showing reduction of water demand per person from 215 gallons per day in 2015 to 146 gallons per day in 2010 to 120 gallons per day in 2019. Our 2050 goal of 129 gallons per day per capita water demand is already exceeeded.

Programs and resources

South Metro Water provides programs and resources to our members to further enhance their efforts to conserve this precious resource in our region.


Water ambassadors

The Water Ambassadors Program brings educators and professionals into classrooms with activities and engaging presentations to empower students to make wise choices about water.

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QWEL certification

South Metro Water is a Professional Certifying Organization for the Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) program, helping to educate and certify QWEL landscapers throughout our region.

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Model landscape/ irrigation ordinance

Local governments can adopt this ready-to-use method to promote efficient use of water in landscapes, reduce water waste, and establish procedures for the design, installation, and maintenance of water-efficient landscape and irrigation systems.

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Check out these additional resources to learn more about the importance of water around our region and around the world.

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SMWSA is excited to be partnering with Resource Central to offer its members and their raterpayers discounts for turf removal!

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Our commitment to conservation


Each of our 14 members have robust water conservation programs.


Castle Rock adopted a comprehensive landscape and irrigation ordinance that incorporates many elements of the model ordinance developed by South Metro Water.

Dominion Water and Sanitation District is the first, and currently only, rainwater harvesting pilot project approved by the state, and it has been a leader in incorporating conservation and efficiency in the design of this new community.

Inverness Water and Sanitation District and the Meridian Metropolitan District are zero-discharge providers; all their wastewater is treated and fully reused for irrigation.

Centennial Water and Sanitation District, serving Highlands Ranch, and Castle Rock are among the few water providers in Colorado to set a water budget for its customers.

Castle Pines North, Inverness and Castle Rock are among the few providers in the state offering rebates for removal of turf or high-water-use plants.

These are just a few examples, but our efforts don’t stop there. The commitment of our members to conserve is never-ending.