Glasses of water


We are making tremendous progress towards increasing the renewable water supply for our region and shifting away from relying on nonrenewable groundwater, putting the South Metro Region on the path to a more sustainable and secure water future.

A more sustainable & secure Water future

South Metro Water formed in 2004 with a singular focus: Address the threat of historically relying on nonrenewable groundwater as the region’s primary water supply, a challenge which threatened property values, economic growth and our outstanding quality of life. Tremendous progress has been made through a commitment to conservation, efficient use of water, reuse, and new water projects, some by individual members and some through a regional approach among our members.

South Metro Water Historic & Projected Supplies

Shows reduction of non-renewable sources reduced from 2005 to 2065, and reuse and renewable sources increasing from 2005 to 2065
Showing just non-rewable 2005 and reuse/renewable 2065. SMWSA‘s is working to shift our water supply to renewable sources for a sustainable, secure water future. The South Metro’s reliance on non-renewable sources will decrease by almost 40 percent.

Our progress

There is more to be done – our job is never finished – but the progress that has been made has laid a strong foundation and put the region on a path to a secure water future.

View our master plan Update

water supply


South Metro Water is aiming to shift 85% our region’s water supply to renewable and reuse sources by 2065. We’ve already made great progress. In 2020 only 22% of our water had come from non-renewable sources. Some members have already transitioned to renewable supplies as a primary source.

groundwater level


 In the 1990s, groundwater levels in the Denver Basin Aquifers were declining by about 30 feet per year. Today, groundwater levels in these aquifers are declining by around 5 feet with more progress expected in the coming years.

water demand


Per capita demand for water has been reduced by 30% since 2000. Our region averages about 120 gallons of water use per capita per day, one of the lowest per capita rates in the state and well ahead of the state’s 2050 goal of 129 gallons per capita per day for the Denver Metro Region.

water reuse

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The South Metro Region is leading the way in Colorado in reusing our supplies. Most members are approaching full reuse of their reusable supplies and plan to fully reuse as much as is legally allowed.